Rebekah A.L. Tolley – Visiting Artist-in-Residence, Department of Art and the History of Art, Amherst College, MA


2000-02 MFA, Printmaking, Tyler School of Art, Temple University. Philadelphia, PA.

1996-00 BFA, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.

Selected Exhibitions:

2013      Science as ArtMark Nystrom, Rebekah Tolley and Suzannah Zucker, Caldwell Arts Council Gallery, Lenoir, NC (forthcoming)

Tortua (individual), Eli Marsh Gallery, Amherst College, MA

Two Rivers Printmaking Faculty Show, Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, VT

2012     The Beautiful Horizon, Summit Art Center, Beijing, China.

Made in New York 2012, Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn, NY (forthcoming)

Go Bayou, Oh Wetlands: Traces of a vanishing Landscape The New Orleans Healing Center, New Orleans, LA travelling to ULA-Lafayette

2011      Born Digital- New Materialities, curated by Paul Thompson, Grays School of Art, Robert Gordon Univeristy.

Equilibrium/Disequilibrium, Chase Park Plaza, St Louis, MO

Love Lust & Desire, McGowan Fine Art, Concord, NH

2010      Supreme Harmony versus Landslide, Regis Center for Art, University of Minnesota

The Zou Ba Portfolio: Printmakers’ Journey in China, curated by Minna Resnick, Handwerker Gallery, Gannett Center, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY

Carapace, (individual) Van Every Gallery, Davidson College, NC

No Border, Art and Design galleries, Zibo University, Zibo, Shandong, China

Global Connections in the New Century, (7 artists) Korean Embassy, Beijing, China

Casual Art Festival, Sunshine Museum, Songzhuang, Beijing, China

Etched and Pulled, Sarratt Gallery at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

New Media, (juried, curator invitation) Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, MA

Etched and Pulled, (7 artists, curator invitation) Roy C. Moore Art Gallery, Gainesville State College, Oakwood, GA

SGC Member’s Exchange Portfolio Moore College of Art, Philadelphia PA

Love Lust Desire, McGowan Fine Art, Concord, NH

2009 2nd China Sanbao International Printmaking Exhibition, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jiangxi, China

Prints of the Year: What’s New in New Hampshire Printmaking, Franklin Pierce Law Centre, Concord, NH

2008 Dynamic Stasis, (individual) Video Lounge, VOXPOPULI, Philadelphia, PA.

Portfolio 2008 Gala, Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, VT.

Prints of the Year: What’s New in New Hampshire Printmaking, Franklin Pierce Law Centre, Concord, NH

2007 Time-Based Media Exhibition Invitational, Artspace, Raleigh, NC

artSTRAND & Friends (3 person) artSTRAND, Provincetown, MA

Le Silence Dans La Foret,  Galerie Circulaire, Montreal, QC

Teaching <-> Printmaking, Franklin Pierce Law Centre, Concorde, NH

Bodies In Ink, Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, VT

2006 Clones, Marian Graves Mugar Art Gallery, New London, NH

Surface, Space and Light, ALL, Arts + Literature Laboratory, New Haven, CT

Salon Écarlate II, La Maison de la Culture Frontenac, Montreal, QC

2005 La Collecte Internationale:Deux, L’Ecole Superieure Des Arts Appliques Duperre,

Paris, France

Media Tonic II, Pittsburgh Filmmakers, The Media Arts Center, Pittsburgh, PA

Domestic Policy, an invitational portfolio, District Fine Arts, Washington, D.C.

2004 NASU International Biennale, Nasu, Japan.

miniatures works on paper, La Mano Press, Los Angeles, CA

Bangain USA – Summer group show, Flusso Gallery, New York, NY.

Salon Écarlate, 17 Montreal Artists, Galerie Espace, Montreal, QC

2003 Prints & Animations,(individual) Hanes Art Centre, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC.

La Collecte- ‘Deux’ International Exchange Portfolio and travelling exhibition, E’stampe de Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.

Halpert Biennial Visual Arts Competition and Exhibition Turchin Centre for the Visual Arts, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.

2002 LEEP II – Inner Strategy, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Temple Gallery, Philadelphia, PA.

2002 Tyler MFA Graduates The Third Street Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

2001 Hot Off The Press: An Emerging Curator Looks at Emerging Printmakers. Gallery 3A, Creative Artists Network, Philadelphia, PA. (six Printmakers.)

Forward Retreat, Pinkard Gallery, Maryland Institute, College of Art, Baltimore, MD.

The Future is Now: MFA Regional Exhibition, Carol Bieber & Marc Ham Gallery, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE

Public Collections:

Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, ON

Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, MN

Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

The Boston Public Library, Boston, MA

Kohler Library Collection, Madison, WI

University of Wisconsin, Art Department, Graphics Area

Georgetown University Art Collection, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Amity Art Foundation, Woodbridge, CT

Southern Graphics Council Archives, University of Mississippi

Bibliotheque Nationale de Quebec, Montreal, Quebec.

Conseil d’estampes de Quebec, (Quebec Print council) Montreal, Quebec

© 2011-2025 Rebekah Tolley All Rights Reserved