Moon, relief and monotype with chine collé, 12″x12″, 2006.
Perched, silkscreen, 11″x15″, 2008.
Printmaking-photography collaboration, silkscreen on c-print 14″x11″, 2005.
Make babies not war, silkscreen on wood, 24″x18″, 2009.
Pressure, photo-lithograph, 15″x11″, 2010.
Dream, collagraph, monotype, xerox transfer, thread, drawing, 30″x22″, 2005.
Trail Running, silkscreen, 11″x15″, 2011.
Tree rings, woodblock, 22″x30″, 2009.
Wave, stone lithograph, watercolor, 30″x22″, 2010.
Jamie, photo-etching, 11″x15″, 2010.
Das Orake, hand-colored etching, 11″x9″, 2010.
Procession, etching, 7″x11″, 2009.
Feet, stone lithograph, 18″x22″, 2010.
The Real Story, photoetching on BFK, 2011.
Orange, color reduction woodcut, 30″x22″, 2010.
Babies, silkscreen, 15″x22″, 2008.
Aim for Peace, Silkscreen, 30″x22″, 2009.
Self-portrait, woodblock and monotype, 24″x36″, 2007.
Hair, photolithography on BFK, sewing, 13″x24″x8″, 2009.
Road, class collaborative scroll with visiting artist Zheng Xuewu, wood and linocut, stencil and chine collé, 8’x110′, 2004.
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